Local Contact Numbers

Practice Numbers

ContactAvailability Telephone
General Enquiries and Appointments0141 889 8809
Prescriptions9.30am – 12.15pm
0141 889 8809
District Nurses & Treatment RoomsAll times0141 207 7760
Health Visitors0141 201 1043
(Only those requested by the GP. If a hospital doctor has arranged tests, you should call the hospital department secretaries)
GP results 2pm – 6pm – 0141 889 8809


Royal Alexandra Hospital0141 314 7294
Inverclyde Royal Hospital0141 314 9504
Southern General Hospital0141 201 1100
Royal Hospital for Sick Children0141 201 0000
Dykebar Hospital0141-201-1099
Paisley Maternity Hospital0141 887 9111

Other Local Organisations

Police Station (Mill Street)101
Victim Support0141 887 0328
Women’s Aid0141 561 7030
Samaritans0330 094 5717
Social Work Department0800 811 505

Useful Telephone Numbers for Carers

Renfrewshire Carers Centre0141 887 3643
NHS Helpline0800 224488
Carers Scotland0141 445 3070
Social Work Central Office0300 300 1199